Are we a Party of Defeat?

David Horowitz is a Republican activist who travels from college campus to college campus, giving inflammatory lectures about how liberals hate America and Muslims want to kill you. He recently published a new book called Party of Defeat: How Democrats and Radicals Undermined America’s War on Terror Before and After 9/11. The authors of this book proudly advertise it right here. As you can see, it has a white flag on the cover, it is about as offensive and inflammatory as you can get.

You may be wondering, who would support such divisive offensive partisan posturing over national security issues. Not 4-5 years ago, when it was more popular, but in 2008. Fortunately for us, 17 Republicans in Congress have endorsed this book.

The 17 are:

Jeff Sessions, Jim Bunning, Tom Coburn, James Inhofe, Peter Hoekstra, Peter King, Buck McKeon, Mark Souder, Tom Tancredo, Jim Saxon, Steve Buyer, Ed Royce, John Shadegg, Mike Pence, Lamar Smith, David Dreier, and Ginny Brown-Waite.

We happen to have some excellent candidates running against some of these individuals, and here is one more line of attack to use against them. I strongly implore all Democratic challengers of the above-mentioned Republicans to obtain a copy of this book, highlight the name of your opponent, and bring it with you everywhere you campaign. Even in right-leaning districts, the majority won’t stand for this kind of politics.

10 of the 17 are running for reelection on November 4 and have Democratic challengers. Here is the ActBlue page I created listing the Democratic challengers to these Republicans.

(cross-posted at DailyKos)

5 thoughts on “Are we a Party of Defeat?”

  1. Horowitz is pretty much an irrelevant tool.  Just look at a website like under his books and you’ll see that the only people who buy his garbage are the same ones who buy Coulture, Savage and Hannity’s books.  He is usually greeted at colleges with more protesters than actual people going to see him speak.

    Bunning is almost certain to retire in 2010.  King will be gone once we redistrict him our of his seat.  Tancredo is retiring.

    The only real shot as have is against Shadegg.  Though I suppose we have a small shot at Dreier.

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